PODIATRY / CHIROPODY APPOINTMENTS DURING CORONAVIRUS – Podiatrists are registered allied health care professionals and are only permitted to treat Emergencies during the coronavirus outbreak.
Emergency patients are those who currently have or who are at high risk of having INFECTION, ULCERATION, PAIN or INGROWN TOE NAILS.
Only after a detailed consultation will the Podiatrist decide if your feet are at risk and an appointment given.
During lockdown some people are struggling with their feet, however it is important to restrict the spread of Coronavirus and therefore routine appointments are not available at this time.
If you are offered a routine appointment you are at risk of being unnecessarily exposed to coronavirus and any person offering routine appointments during this time are not insured to treat you.
To prevent the spread of coronavirus your podiatrist MUST wear PPE
(Personal protective equipment) disposable aprons, gloves masks and a face shield during your emergency appointment, and will use appropriately sterilised equipment.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on 02825654625 or email photos to Maria@myfeetni.co.uk for advice or concerns.
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